Various Seals

         The generic name of this collection of seals reflects its composite formation.

        The oldest nucleus consists of what can be called the Malaguzzi gift, as illustrated by the then director of the institute Umberto Dallari: «... As for the collection of medals, coins and seals formed at the expense and care of Count Malaguzzi Valeri and containing important pieces reflecting the history of Reggio, for office debt I can not help but make an observation: the fact is that it was left here when he was promoted to the direction of the R. State Archive of Modena in 1888, but it is also that it was donated to the Provincial General Archive (which later became the present of the State) and accepted by the Commission which was administered by resolution of May 15, 1891. ...». The gift was formalized with regular acts of delivery and acceptance in 1899, and the example was followed by other notables and entities from Reggio.

        Another large group of matrices merged into the institute in accordance with a circular of 12 Jan. 1900 of the Directorate-General for Civil Administration of the Ministry of the Interior. It expressly entrusted to the State Archives the recognition and collection of all the seals out of use of the offices, both of the ceased and existing governments, included in its own constituency, specifying to collect also those that were however relevant from a purely historical point of view. This also explains the direct purchase, for example, of the seal of the Art of Carpenters.

        The collection of the various Seals was therefore constituted through gifts, purchases, deposits and perhaps its varied composition ends up being its strong point, offering a wide overview of the institutional and social life of the city for a period of time that starts at least from the sec. XVI and reaches the 70s of sec. XX.

Catalogo dei Sigilli diversi


                                                                                                Catalogue of Various Seals (13,5 MBs)

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