San Tommaso Secondary Office
The secondary premises of the Record Office are used solely for storing materials and are located on Via delle Carceri, in the building that was the San Tommaso district prison until just a few years ago. It is within the former grounds of the Corpus Domini convent for nuns, which the Abbot Filippo Zoboli had built between 1466 and 1472, along with its church.
It was unified with the San Tommaso convent behind it in 1783 (hence the seemingly unfitting name of the prison) and then closed in 1796. The church was demolished around 1870.
All that remains of the old construction today is the terracotta decoration of the boundary walls.
- S. Tommaso 01
- S. Tommaso 02
- S. Tommaso Fregio superiore
- S. Tommaso Fregio inferiore
- ST Bassorilievo muro di cinta 01
- ST Bassorilievo muro di cinta 02
- ST Bassorilievo muro di cinta 03
- ST Bassorilievo muro di cinta 04
- S. Tommaso - Ingresso
- ST Chiesa 01
- ST Chiesa 02
- ST Giardino spontaneo 01
- ST Giardino spontaneo 02
- ST Giardino spontaneo 03
- ST Giardino spontaneo 04
- ST Giardino spontaneo 05
- ST Giardino spontaneo 06