Measure, calculate, design. Cartographic representations of the Reggio Emilia area.
Reggio Emilia State Record Office, corso Cairoli no. 6 - Archive of the former psychiatric hospital "S. Lazzaro", ISTORECO Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia State Record Office
3 May 2016, 9.00 am - 1 pm - Study Seminar

This year, the initiative “Quante storie nella Storia. Settimana della didattica in archivio” (“History’s many stories. Archives Education Week”) celebrates the important milestone of reaching its fifteenth edition. Looking back on the past fifteen years, it would be fair to say that the Settimana event has continued to grow and become more consolidated, with as much energy and enthusiasm shown by its key players as ever: from the promoters to the participants, support for the Settimana and its aims has always been enthusiastic, wholehearted and intentional.
A number of factors have helped to make this a well-balanced and enduring project, starting with one of the program’s fundamental and intrinsic characteristics: its ability to demonstrate the wealth of educational initiatives carried out at the region’s archives, initiatives that document the multiple facets of the map work carried out by archivists, teachers and students, by following different themes and pathways and yielding different results.
Secondly, the Settimana’s ability to draw attention to the painstaking work involved in reading, analysing, selecting and contextualizing the sources, that lies behind all archive-related research, not to mention its ability to highlight something that, generally speaking, is not overly visible: the richness of our archival heritage, its variety and its vast and possibly untapped potential contribution to historical research.
For their part, the promoters have always given a great deal of thought to organizing the seminar accompanying “History’s many stories” every year, giving prominence to current events, important anniversaries and the most topical issues. This they do by providing a scientific-historical framework and by giving individual entities with teaching experience in a particular topic the opportunity to speak about it. The period between the two wars, the Great War, nutrition and the environment, and, lastly in this edition, migration, are just some of the topics put forward, with the intention of offering participants new starting points for learning strategies, laboratories, exhibitions and other dissemination activities or research opportunities aimed at schools or groups of adults.
The three keystones on which the continuity and longevity of Archives Education Week are based, refer and relate to one another in a kind of virtuous cycle: wealth of initiatives, the ability to draw on a wide range of sources, and new or original ideas in order to examine these sources from new perspectives.
Introduction to the initiative
Giampiero Romanzi, Archival Superintendence of Emilia Romagna-Bologna State Record Office
Master of ceremonies Giampietro Romanzi
The archive and historical research
Luciana Bonilauri
The talk will focus on the different types of inventories, indexes, files, document deposit records, payment schedules and all the supporting materials that make historical research possible thanks to the procurement of the existing documentation; without these materials, the actual content of the archives would never be revealed.
Anno Domini 1702: the San Lazzaro psychiatric hospital in the Zambelli ”cabreum”
Chiara Bombardieri
This seminar describes a very interesting document preserved in the Archive of the former psychiatric hospital San Lazzaro, a “cabreum” drawn up in 1702 when the San Lazzaro was a poorhouse run by a religious charity. It is no coincidence that this “cabreum” has always been the starting point for teaching students, since it enables a detailed study of topics, from the structure of the landscape and the organization of the religious charity, to its aesthetic and symbolic value.i
Partisan trails: memories of the Resistance throughout the provincial territory
Michele Bellelli
Since 1992, Istoreco has been organizing Partisan trails: walks through the Reggiano Appennines to discover the places where the Resistance movement was established and organized in the years 1943-45. The itineraries have been reconstructed using testimonies, photographs and documents. Shelters, battles, sweeps and deportations are published in a guide and on a website to help tourists and scholars learn about our mountains and think back to the events of the second world war in Reggio Emilia.i
The beauty of geometry. A special look at the cartography of the Reggio Emilia region
Paola Meschini
A close look through the maps, plans and “cabrei” preserved in the Institute highlights certain features of the cartographic representation which was gradually lost at the start of the nineteenth century. The talk focuses primarily on the depiction of the different types of plants grown and on the variety of buildings, houses and constructions of all different kinds; in addition to these technical elements, the emphasis will also be on artistic aspects in the fullest sense of the word, such as drawings and watercolours of plants, animals, fantastic creatures and tools of the trade...